After a week general chapter we 've got the new General Council. As foreseen by the lobbying Bram becomes the GenSup replacing EdQ who is now as the ViceGenSup. And Piet is the 3nd member of the council.
Finally the chapter that started on Monday the 19th September 2005, ended on the expected time. In the first two days it went very very slow. I mean there were so many unnecessary debate. Before the first session on Friday, in the gathering of the steering-commitee I said aloud to be optimist that the new council election will be finish in the afternoon. However by the coffee pause I lost my optimism.
Praise the Lord, that we could finally finish it in on time. On 16.40 the election was accomplished. And after a short speech of the new GenSup, we ended it with the eucharist celebration in our chapel lead by LeoT.