During the weekend I spent a couple of days by visiting some acquaintances of mine. After the first stop by the the sisters in Ter Eem, on Saturday with Feli and Mar, I went to Hengelo to handover a packet to Len. There we saw the first time her oriental shop that provides Indonesian food materials. She runs it together with other two friends.
Then again with the NS-train we went to Wiwin, an Indonesian woman who merried a Dutch man, Albert. They just moved to Almelo from Utrecht. They have been merried for more than 10 years and have 3 sons, Richard, Hendrik and uhmm forget one. The last two are twins.
In the Saturday evening we made a very nice canasta game. Silvestra as my partner, we couldnot win Feli and Mar.
On Sunday afer the mass I met many sister and specially Mary Louis who is very kind to me. She has ever asked me to do favor for her by making use her alms. Before leaving them, Mar pushed me accept her present as a memory of our friendship, because she is looking forward that we will be apart in distance after my going-back to Indonesia.
From Ter Eem I continued my trip to Ijselsstein. Ra had two visitors when I came in. It is Ramadhan, we were in purpose to break the fastingday together with her. Ikan pepes of makreel she made, was delicious. Because of headache I refused to join her to visit Bunga and Ilham and Sari, although she has tried to persuade me with empek-mpek.
This morning I left Ra's house for the Airport Schiphol to say good bye to Bra who was going back to Indonesia. After the in-checking and coffee with EQ I went home with train that would go to the Vlissingen. Eymard collected us from Roosendaal and drove us to Huijbergen.
Q*= The world is now too small for anything but brotherhood.