It was a year ago I posted my last note. Sure many things happened during the time. Just before the Moslem day the 1rst Syawal 1426 I left the Nederland back to my born country. I stayed for several months in Yogya, in charge as the community-leader. We were 13 brothers, just both the old Brother Ew and me among the students. There was frater Fl of Malang who was taking lecture at the IPPAK, joining our community.
I am sure you have heard about the miserable earthquake of 24 May 2006 which shocked the southern part of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile weeks before the erupting world’s famous Merapi volcano threatening to explode. Just 3 day before the earthquake I moved to Pontianak of West-Kalimantan for a new assignment. There I joined the youngest community which formed last year. It is in the suburd of Pontianak.
Now I ride my bike nearly every morning to reach my-5 km-away office. Usually it is a friendly trip.